Book Review : Living Christ Living Buddha

Book Review : Living Christ Living Buddha
My short book review Book name : Living Christ Living Buddha This book was written by Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh,who lived in vietnam. This book is largely conectarte on the religious inclusive ideologies which connect christian ideologies with Buddhist ideologies. He concentrated on how long the religions mixed together in a war environment and achieved peace. The story starts with some strong dialogue, that reflects religious pluralism. And it goes to some of the common religious faiths and connects that, then played with some indian philosophies. Christian readers may be attracted with Buddhist ideologies because for my perspective, Indian philosophy is a bit enlightened by its nature. When he came to the core doctrine of Christianity, author didn’t focus on that but he tried to prove the ways of Christianity is like the way of buddha. Whatever the ways of Buddha and Jesus in sociological perspectives are somehow same. so the author convinced the reader. For my Opinion about this book is “Perfect book for those who wants to know Buddhist understanding of Jesus”
About the Author
Sujith S
Sujith S

Former Stock and General Accountant, equipped with semi-qualified CMA certification. Full Stack Python, Flutter Developer. Currently serving as a Catechist in CSI Tirunelveli Diocese, having completed theological studies.