Book Review: Memory

My short Book review
Book name : Memory
Author: Herbie Brennan
This is a psychological genre of book. When. I saw the topic on the book I just imagined how the content would be. I thought the core of the content is maybe about realities and how the memory formed. But what I found is somehow different. First this book is full of practical modules which enhance our memory power. Basically who is daydreamer, this book won’t help. Because the content itself explains more about how to become a daydreamer. This is not a philosophical book but a science book. So it has some evidences. This book introduces a journalist who is called Solomon, who have a photographic memory power and explains how he thinks. This is good because this seems like the detailed study of testimony. This book introduced a term second brain which is somehow related to the concept of The Vyavaharika in Advaita Vedanta. In the first chapter the author creates enthusiasm about memory. When I read this book a question arose in my mind. If we manipulate the memory by external factors can we save our memory? (We must ask this question to elon musk neuralink team). This book is good who wants to be a daydreamer,.